Source code for sap.aibus.dar.client.data_manager_constants

Constants for the DataManagerClient.
from enum import Enum

[docs]class DatasetStatus(Enum): """ Possible values for the **status** field of a Dataset. See the section on `Dataset Lifecycle`_ in the official DAR documentation. .. _Dataset Lifecycle: """ #: No data has been uploaded yet. NO_DATA = "NO_DATA" #: Data is currently being uploaded. UPLOADING = "UPLOADING" #: Validation is in process. VALIDATING = "VALIDATING" #: Uploaded data is invalid, i.e. not a CSV or does not match DatasetSchema. INVALID_DATA = "INVALID_DATA" #: Internal Server Error occured during validation. Create a new Dataset. VALIDATION_FAILED = "VALIDATION_FAILED" #: Internal Server Error occured during validation. Create a new Dataset. PROGRAM_ERROR = "PROGRAM_ERROR" #: Validation finished successfully. The Dataset may be used for training. SUCCEEDED = "SUCCEEDED"
[docs]class DataManagerPaths: """ Endpoints for the DAR DataManager microservice. """ #: Path for the DatasetSchema collection ENDPOINT_DATASET_SCHEMA_COLLECTION = "/data-manager/api/v3/datasetSchemas" #: Path for the Dataset collection ENDPOINT_DATASET_COLLECTION = "/data-manager/api/v3/datasets"
[docs] @staticmethod def format_dataset_schemas_endpoint_by_id(identifier: str) -> str: """ Returns the path of a DatasetSchema with given identifier. >>> DataManagerPaths.format_dataset_schemas_endpoint_by_id(\ '9ac12220-b0b2-45ec-a81b-5dd5ca6536e9') '/data-manager/api/v3/datasetSchemas/9ac12220-b0b2-45ec-a81b-5dd5ca6536e9' :param identifier: ID of DatasetSchema :return: endpoint path component """ endpoint = "/data-manager/api/v3/datasetSchemas/{}".format(identifier) return endpoint
[docs] @staticmethod def format_dataset_endpoint_by_id(identifier: str) -> str: """ Returns the path of a Dataset with given identifier. >>> DataManagerPaths.format_dataset_endpoint_by_id(\ '9678dcdd-239e-4dfc-8795-5924152c97a3') '/data-manager/api/v3/datasets/9678dcdd-239e-4dfc-8795-5924152c97a3' :param identifier: ID of Dataset :return: endpoint path component """ endpoint = "/data-manager/api/v3/datasets/{}".format(identifier) return endpoint
[docs] @classmethod def format_data_endpoint_by_id(cls, identifier: str) -> str: """ Returns the path of the upload endpoint for a Dataset with given identifier. >>> DataManagerPaths.format_data_endpoint_by_id(\ 'd862fcba-06b1-4eaa-93c1-a0b5980938f5') '/data-manager/api/v3/datasets/d862fcba-06b1-4eaa-93c1-a0b5980938f5/data' :param identifier: ID of Dataset :return: endpoint path component """ dataset_endpoint = cls.format_dataset_endpoint_by_id(identifier) return dataset_endpoint + "/data"