Source code for sap.aibus.dar.client.model_manager_constants

Constants for the ModelManagerClient.
from enum import Enum

[docs]class JobStatus(Enum): """ Possible values for the **status** field of a Job. See the section on `Training Job Lifecycle`_ in the official DAR documentation. .. _Training Job Lifecycle: """ #: Job has been enqueued. PENDING = "PENDING" #: Job is now being processed. RUNNING = "RUNNING" #: Job finished successfully and Model is ready for Deployment. SUCCEEDED = "SUCCEEDED" #: Training Job failed. Please try again. FAILED = "FAILED"
[docs]class DeploymentStatus(Enum): """ Possible values for the **status** field of a Deployment. See the section on `Deployment Lifecycle`_ in the official DAR documentation. .. _Deployment Lifecycle: """ #: status PENDING for a Deployment PENDING = "PENDING" #: Deployment is successful and theMmodel can now be used for Inference. SUCCEEDED = "SUCCEEDED" #: Deployment has failed. Delete Deployment and deploy Model again. FAILED = "FAILED" #: Deployment is stopped (i.e. on trial accounts). Delete Deployment and deploy #: Model again. STOPPED = "STOPPED"
[docs]class ModelManagerPaths: """ Endpoints for the DAR ModelManager microservice. """ #: Path for the ModelTemplate collection ENDPOINT_MODEL_TEMPLATE_COLLECTION = "/model-manager/api/v3/modelTemplates" #: Path for Job collection ENDPOINT_JOB_COLLECTION = "/model-manager/api/v3/jobs" #: Path for the Model collection ENDPOINT_MODEL_COLLECTION = "/model-manager/api/v3/models" #: Path for the Deployment collection ENDPOINT_DEPLOYMENT_COLLECTION = "/model-manager/api/v3/deployments" #: Path for the BusinessBlueprint collection ENDPOINT_BUSINESS_BLUEPRINT_TEMPLATE_COLLECTION = ( "/model-manager/api/v3/businessBlueprints" )
[docs] @classmethod def format_model_templates_endpoint_by_id(cls, model_template_id: str) -> str: # How can I fix the formatting of the doctest below without introducing a lot # of whitespace in the rendered documentation? """ Returns the path of a ModelTemplate with given identifier. .. doctest:: >>> ModelManagerPaths.format_model_templates_endpoint_by_id(\ 'd7810207-ca31-4d4d-9b5a-841a644fd81f') '/model-manager/api/v3/modelTemplates/d7810207-ca31-4d4d-9b5a-841a644fd81f' :param model_template_id: identifier of ModelTemplate :return: endpoint, to be used as URL component """ return cls.ENDPOINT_MODEL_TEMPLATE_COLLECTION + "/" + model_template_id
[docs] @classmethod def format_job_endpoint_by_id(cls, job_id: str) -> str: """ Returns the path of a Job with given identifier. .. doctest:: >>> ModelManagerPaths.format_job_endpoint_by_id(\ '222936e3-0350-4cd2-903d-67cb712b6af6') '/model-manager/api/v3/jobs/222936e3-0350-4cd2-903d-67cb712b6af6' :param job_id: identifier of job :return: endpoint, to be used as URL component """ return cls.ENDPOINT_JOB_COLLECTION + "/" + job_id
[docs] @classmethod def format_model_endpoint_by_name(cls, model_name: str): """ Returns the path of a Model with given name. .. doctest:: >>> ModelManagerPaths.format_model_endpoint_by_name('my-model') '/model-manager/api/v3/models/my-model' :param model_name: name of the Model :return: endpoint, to be used as URL component """ return cls.ENDPOINT_MODEL_COLLECTION + "/" + model_name
[docs] @classmethod def format_deployment_endpoint_by_id(cls, deployment_id: str): """ Returns the path of a Deployment with given name. .. doctest:: >>> ModelManagerPaths.format_deployment_endpoint_by_id(\ 'c45928f5-179c-451e-ae0d-ea33c26391ea') '/model-manager/api/v3/deployments/c45928f5-179c-451e-ae0d-ea33c26391ea' :param deployment_id: name of the Model :return: endpoint, to be used as URL component """ return cls.ENDPOINT_DEPLOYMENT_COLLECTION + "/" + deployment_id
[docs] @classmethod def format_business_blueprint_endpoint_by_id( cls, business_blueprint_id: str ) -> str: """ Returns the path of a BusinessBlueprintTemplate with given identifier. .. doctest:: >>> ModelManagerPaths.format_business_blueprint_endpoint_by_id(\ '4788254b-0bad-4757-a67f-92d5b55f322d') '/model-manager/api/v3/businessBlueprints/4788254b-0bad-4757-a67f-92d5b55f322d' :param business_blueprint_id: identifier of BusinessBlueprintTemplate :return: endpoint, to be used as URL component """ return ( cls.ENDPOINT_BUSINESS_BLUEPRINT_TEMPLATE_COLLECTION + "/" + business_blueprint_id )