Resilience and Error Recovery

Retrying HTTP Requests

The Data Attribute Recommendation Python SDK will retry failed HTTP operations to some extent.

Because the Data Attribute Recommendation service uses a RESTful API, the standard HTTP semantics apply.

This makes it safe by default to retry requests using the GET or DELETE methods since these methods are either safe or idempotent.

GET is what is called a safe method because repeating a GET request should not have any side-effects. Accordingly, identical requests can be performed several times without ill effects.

DELETE is not a safe method. It usually has side-effects such as deleting a resource from a server. However, DELETE is an idempotent method. A request can be repeated several times and the result will always be the same: the resource is gone. Note that all safe methods are also idempotent!

These properties allow the Data Attribute Recommendation Python SDK to retry many operations by default.

Retrying POST Requests

POST requests are not idempotent. They can not be retried, at least not safely according to HTTP semantics.

For the Data Attribute Recommendation Python SDK, this contains all create_ methods since these are implemented using POST. Where possible, the SDK provides a parameter to enable retry behavior on the method itself. Before using this manual override to force retries for POST, consider the trade-offs involved.

Consider the creation of a DatasetSchema using DataManagerClient.create_dataset_schema(). In a scenario where the connection between client and server is dropped suddenly, the DatasetSchema may have been created successfully. On the client side, the Data Attribute Recommendation Python SDK receives a “connection reset” error message and is unaware that the new DatasetSchema has been created. Implementing a naive retry simply based on HTTP semantics will lead to the creation of a second DatasetSchema, because the HTTP client is not aware that the first DatasetSchema was created.

A more advanced approach is to handle the error on the application level. In the scenario described above, an additional request can be made to check if the desired DatasetSchema was created. If the DatasetSchema is not there, a new request can be made.

If the risk of having an orphaned DatasetSchema is acceptable, then consider using the retry parameter to DataManagerClient.create_dataset_schema() to gain additional robustness.

POST Requests which Acquire Limited Resources

Note that not all create_ methods implement a retry parameter. The create_deployment method can only be called once per model name. No two deployments can exist at the same time for any model. For this reason, there is no naive retry implementation based on repeating the initial failing request. Such an implementation cannot know if the first request succeeded either completely or partially. If the first request was successful, the second request will fail with a seemingly unrelated error related to the model already being deployed.

See the documentation of the individual create_ methods for details. For some tasks, the Data Attribute Recommendation Python SDK provides higher-level methods which implement application-level retry including clean up of any singleton resources.

Before Connection is Established

If an error occurs before the initial connection to the server is established ( i.e. connect timeout, DNS lookup problem), all HTTP methods are retried.

At this point, the server has not yet received the request. No unsafe side-effects have happened yet, so it is safe to retry all HTTP methods.

Retrying Asynchronous Processes

Data validation, model training and deployment are asynchronous processes which are started via create_ method calls and executed in the background. Their progress and success status is exposed not via HTTP status codes in the response sent by the API endpoint, but in the JSON body of the response.

For this reason, these operations cannot be retried at all by the HTTP-level retry implementation described above.

The Data Attribute Recommendation Python SDK provides higher-level methods which can handle restarting the individual processes, if desired.